Should we get a loan to start a business?

I saw a used commercial and industrial property for sale recently. I’m having second thoughts to purchased it because I do not have enough funds or capital. I’m indeed interested to have it for a business (ready to wear clothes). That’s exactly the idea of my husband. But then to pursue our plans, we are considering getting a loan for that? Will that be good enough? How do we get a loan to start a business?

Why don’t you ask to go to a bank and ask a loan officer what they require to be approved for a commercial loan?

I totally agree with davewindsor, you should talk with a financial officer or bank to get a loan.

Why don’t you ask to go to a bank and ask a loan officer what they require to be approved for a commercial loan?
Loool, I second this.

For sure check the real conditions at your bank first to take everything into consideration. You should plan thoroughly before making big decisions.

If you don’t like banks, maybe you can contact an investor.

Contacting an investor can sometimes lead to things not planned in the begining, so i suggest going to a bank, and ironing out the details.