Should a tenant get security deposit back and first month rent?

Recently a out of state tenant moved into a property.Prior to moving in the tenant had her family come by and look at the house before putting in an application and a security deposit.In October, prior to moving in and the family coming to see the house the tenant saw several pictures online advertising the property.Several days later the tenant signed all the lease agreement documents.The beginning of November the tenant family comes back and notice a few things that needs to be done. So the tenant was given a credit for that day for next months rent.(Not to mention that she did not have to pay the pet deposit, application fee and was given another credit for switching over the ulities early).The repairs are made that were asked.The tenant moves in and states the house is not to her standards, and everything that is asked was done. Cleaning crew comes back out, maintenace comes out etc. When the crews come back out she takes upon her self to add extra things to the list that was not prediscussed with managment. For example,[b][/b] she ask the cleaning crew to clean all the windows and they tell her no.She tell all the crews to go home. At, this point the tenant say she is very unhappy with the managment company and states she wants her security deposit back and entire first month rent.The tenant resides in MO.Should she get her rent and deposit back?

You’d be well to get rid of her. However, she owes you at least a 30 day notice. That means she pays 30 days rent. She doesn’t get a penny of her deposit bacjk until she and all of her stuff are out.

She signed the rental agreement and she took possession by moving in. Sorry, no “do-overs”

In addition, when she gives you notice that she is moving, you give her a written 30 day notice in return. That way, she can’t get to the end of her notice and not move because she’s changed her mind.

I suspect that the only problem with your place is that she needed a place to land. Once she got there, she had time to pick out a place herelf and she’s found something she likes better.

If you’re already having problems with this person, get rid of her. And don’t give her any money back.

The deposit should be non-refundable based on the fact that she is breaking the lease. Secondly, if the repair requests were marginal then you should be compensated for doing the extra work. And throw in the fact that no 30 day written notice was given.

You have to ask yourself if another (more reasonable) tenant would have rented the unit in it’s “as-is” condition. If the answer is yes, then you should keep the money. I’m not a real estate attorney, check with someone local, this is only my opinion.

Let this be a lesson to you. Don’t do favors for tenants, you’ll always end up losing money when you try and please them. Good luck.

Shaun- I’ve have to heartily disagree with you regarding doing tenant favors. I do favors for my tenants all the time, as long as the favor is within my power and doesn’t cost me much money, I’ll do it. Guess what?- my tenants love me! they always pay rent on time AND take care of the property so EVERYBODY WINS!

Shaun Steckler and JakeRodgers are both right. I do favors also, but always evaluate the cost. I have a relationship with my tenants…it is a financial relationship. I care a lot about them as long as I make money.

I vote with Jake. I wouldn’t be in the fully-furnished rental house business if I didn’t do favors for the tenants. Last Sunday I drove to the airport TWICE to pick up tenants. Fortunately it’s only a 10-minute hop from here.

This made the renting agency people very happy, and the temporary-worker tenant feel very secure. It’s also why we got the signed contract and they didn’t just go to a hotel.

If you have vacancy, DO MORE! Even if it’s just a pot of flowers on the doorstep. Don’t let them get away to pay someone else’s mortgage.


NO GOOD DEED GOES UNPUNISHED! NEVER, repeat NEVER, do favors for tenants. You are in a BUSINESS relationship with your tenants, you are not their friend!!!

Propertymanager- haven’t you ever done business with a company where the rep/agent/sales guy/whatever went above and beyond his normal duties to help you out? Didn’t that make you want to do business with them again (and tell your friends)? The same concept applies with tenants, I do a favor here and there, they take care of my props, give me referrals, pay on time, the list goes on and on! things they probably wouldn’t do if I did just the bare minimum to get by! so in reality, IT IS A GOOD BIZ DECISION!