Second level to re-surface?

The rehab that I am working on has a front porch on the second floor which is covered. Structurally the porch is sound, all columns and joists seem to be in sturdy condition. However, the flooring on the porch has had several coats of paint over the years and is showing its age along with some dry rot boards. I have been told a couple different suggestions for this opportunity:

  1. Cover the existing flooring with a rubber membrane to act as a vapor barrier, install 1/4" treated plywood for subflooring and cover with astroturf (rubber membrane really necessary, wouldnt this hold moisture in the wood as well?). This seems like a descent option and would be low maintenace.

  2. Put down treated lumber planks and be done with it.

I am replacing the rusted metal railings with treated lumber or the plastic railings from Home Depot, havent made that decision yet.

So…anyone done similar to the above or have another suggestions?


Option #2 all the way.

With option #1 will certainly hold in moisture and rot to hell in no time. Trying to waterproof exterior materials is damn near impossible. Water always has a way of getting in and then once it’s in, your waterproofing finally does it’s job and locks the water in effectively destorying the material. Painted surfaces are a great example of what not to do. Wood shingles can last hundreds of years if properly maintained, but when people paint wood siding, you’ll start seeing rot in a couple years.

That fake wood that’s more like plastic will still be standing when the house falls down. It’s a little more expensive but a great material. I’d still go with option #2.

I would go with #2, replace not cover. I would look at this composite boards that are made of plastic, they will never rot.