Screening Tenants

Does anyone have a script used when calling other landlords or employers of a prospective tenant?

I don’t have a script but I just call and say I am (my name) and I would like to verify employment for one of your employees. They say ok or they transfer me. I then ask if the prospect works there and how long. How much do they earn? I also ask if it is likely that their employment will continue into the future (I never get a good answer to this). I write down what they say and compare it to the application. Because of privacy reasons most employers won’t tell me how much the person earns, but will verify the amount that is on the application.

I don’t have a script, but I do recommend speaking to more than just an HR person to confirm employment and income. I like to speak with the rental applicant’s immediate supervisor, to get a sense for what kind of worker they are.
As a final note, make sure you pull credit reports, because those don’t lie!
Best of luck,

You can find most of what you’ll need by searching public records of the applicants. Don’t expect low income renters to have great credit.
When you call the LLs listed on the application, keep in mind the current LL may tell you what you want to hear so you’ll take their problem tenant off their hands. Make sure you call the LL prior to their current one so you at least have a chance of getting an honest assessment of the applicant.

Every landlord, apartment manager and property management company needs to understand the the importance of screening tenant. Tenant screening may well determine the overall success or failure of your investment.