Saving $$$ as a landlord

I just wanted to share a website that has saved me some serious money.

I have been spending a serious amount of money at places like lowes and home depot lately on my multifamily rehabs. On the deals section of that forum, somebody posted a link that gave me 10 dollars off every order over 25 bucks. Through some email tricks (described on the forum) I was able to print over 20 of these coupons. It was a tad bit annoying going back and forth to the truck everytime my basket was over 25 dollars, but it was worth it as I saved thousands on my rehab.

This was the link to that (its no good now!! Waitin on another special like this!!)

There is currently a link for a 10% discount at lowes, which is good up to 500 bucks. I like to print off a bunch and throw them in my glove box.