samples of lease purchase / lease option agreements?

Would anyone be so generious to show me an example of a lease purchase / lease option agreement?

I know I am going to have my attorney draw the final contract, but I am just curious of the verbiage to get me started.

Many thanks in advance for your help!



Did you ever get a response. I am looking for the same thing.

Texas Residential Lease Agreement
Lease to Purchase Option Agreement

Definately have your attorney review these before using.

NOMONEY - - -THANK you so much - - This website is great. I take it that the form is ok for all states, except Texas?

I just closed on my first property today and I would like to do a rent with option to buy… the form I found on this website looks like it’s combined with a lease and the option?

Your thoughts please :slight_smile:

You’re welcome.

No, it is the Option to Purchase only. If you read above the form it even says it is to accompany a Residential Lease Agreement.

YOU ARE awesome - - I can’t wait to see this one through. Thanks for you advise and for helping the underdogs!!!

I will definately have an attorney review before I get involved with the contract.

OK - - I need an attorney - - Any suggestions

yeah…throw your wallet up in the air…the person that catches it on the way down is a lawyer…hope that helps…lol

For legal advice and for a very little sum of money it is prepaid legal. For rei forms try The Whitney Education Group online.


Congratulations on your first deal !!!