roof question...duplex

Just a question regarding a shared roof. How does a relplacement roof take place? If there are two owners in a duplex…do they share the expense? Is there a hidden divider on the roof?

What do you mean-“two owners”? Is this a rental property, or owner occupied, or what?

Units in a duplex can be sold individually. The duplex shares the roof yet there are two owners. I would purchase one of the units and rent it. Whether or not the unit next door is O.O. I do not know at this time.

Well that really depends on the type of complex you have. Is it defined as a single family or is it a condominium? If it’s a single family attached, then you just fix your side of the roof and your neighbor fixes his side. It does look a little strange though. I’ve seen 4 unit townhouses that are single families and there’s 4 different types of roofs on each one. Not sure what happens if the leak starts from your neighbor’s side and ends up on your side. I guess you just redo your side so that it doesn’t happen.

Now if it’s a condo, then you both probably have to agree to some schedule to get it replaced.

Yeah I guess I could have disclosed that. The building is a “triplex”, a city town house…flat roof…with the tar.

If the building was sold as a condo there should be a report (can’t think of the exact word) that would be filed with the proper authorities in the area that the property is in. It should spell out how the repairs are made.
Like previously mentioned if its an attached individual unit then its up to the individuals to work out a plan. Try to have one roofer doing the whole roof if possible otherwise there is bound to be problems.
Good luck,

I still don’t think you really answered the question. Is this where there’s a 1st floor unit and a second floor unit and third floor or is it one unit next to another unit that’s townhouse style? It sounds like it’s the former where there’s just one roof for all 3 units. In that case the answer to this would be in the condominium documents. There are several, maybe in the master deed. You should get those docs after you make the offer so you can examine them. Usually part of a condominium addendum contingency.

Usually this is determined by the board of trustees or the individual unit owners in a small complex. There’s usually a certain percentage of ownership with each unit. If it’s all equal, then you would vote your share as to how to fix the building. If you just own one of 3, you could get outvoted by the other 2. If there are reserves in the association, it can be paid out of the reserves otherwise you’d have to do a special assessment and if you can’t find the other owner to give them the bill or if they can’t come up with the money, then you run into problems… It’s why it can be tricky owning a unit in a small complex.

The units are side by side…no clear determination (divider) on roof.

You still need to answer the question about whether or not the property is a member of a homeowers association or a condominium owners association.

If so, then your association bylaws may specify that the roof is a common area element and repairs will be performed by the association.

No association. Just a city duplex/rowhouse.

The roof is community property. You need to contact the owners of the other two units and propose splitting the cost of redoing the roof.
Another point that you should consider: flat tops are a blessing and a curse. They don’t last as long as other roofs, but they don’t cost much to build, and they don’t cost much to fix. You might be able to go to the hardware store, pick up some tar or roofing cement and fix the problem yourself in one day for less than $100.

Thank you Funder…I think that nailed the answer to this question.