Not evil, just a carnival barker.
Not evil, just a carnival barker.
Shall we review:
You: So when Donald Trump announces his candidacy in June and runs (and has good chance of winning based on polls and mass appeal), you consider him an “evil”?
Me: No, I consider him a carnival barker who’s only real interest is himself.
You: Ok, so you think Donald Trump is an evil carnival barker
Me: Not evil, just a carnival barker.
What is it about “No” that you don’t understand?
I’ll admit, that I was less than exactingly clear in some of my previous posts, however, I unfortunately believed the posts were intuitively obvious to the casual observer. Unfortunately, my posts were too subtle for your understanding so I shall elucidate: 1) I should have stated that Ron Paul is the only candidate I will vote for in the 2012 presidential primaries and election. I have voted for other than Ron Paul in the past and will vote for other than Ron Paul in 2012 non-presidential primaries and elections and probably vote for other than Ron Paul in future presidential primary and general elections. 2) There are already more than 2 Republican candidates declared for the 2012 presidential primary election. If Trump declares (and I doubt he will, but that’s just my opinion) he will simply add to the crowd. I think it’s great to get multiple candidates. At this point, it would be tough to vote for the lesser of 2 evils in the 2012 Republican presidential primary since so many have declared and a number more have expressed interest. 3) “lesser of 2 evils” is a well known ( to most) euphemism meaning to make a choice among 2 prospects so as to lessen any anticipated damage that choice could inflict rather than for any anticipated benefit that choice could produce.
I don’t really think you’re that stupid as to actually believe I implied Trump was “evil” but rather that you chose to distort the euphemism to malign support for other than what seems to be your chosen candidate.
Let’s keep it civil, folks and not allow this to deteriorate.
I know I’m not based on what I’ve said, but it’s clear you are a real one since you don’t know how to think before you speak instead of taking back your poorly thought out arguments. I know what the word “evil” is. I went to university. Did you? I’ve seen nothing evil in the decisions Trump has made. He’s earned my respect for his accomplishments as someone who can turn crappy organizations into real winners and well worth defending, so keep putting your foot in your mouth. Keep name calling. It shows the kind of person you really are.
TRUMP HAS NO CHANCE… Z E R O …NOT A SHOT in HELL of becoming President of the U.S…And I’d be more than THRILLED to take that side of a WAGER with you Dave…
But remember…I’M…L U C K Y…L U C K Y…That’s all that FORD STOCK INVESTMENT was…Remember??? That’s what you said…Just dumb LUCK
You name the amount or other terms and WE’LL all SEE who WINS!!
TRUMP is DEAD in the WATER…FINISHED before he ever got STARTED.
I agree Jake.He has zero % chance, because Ron Paul is going to win the presidency
Ok, in all seriousness. I dont think Trump will be our next president, nor do I think Ron Paul will end being president (unfortunetly). I think somebody more groomed and mainstream like Gingrich/Romney/Pawlette will end up getting the nod from the Republican party.
Im interested though, Jake, who do you see getting the nod for the Republican Party? And… will they beat Obama? Just for fun.
I wouldn’t waste my time betting with you because I get the feeling you would never honor it once I won. You’d probably weasel your way out of it with a technicality like online gambling is illegal in the US.
“You’d probably weasel your way out of it.”
NO…YOU just THAT did Dave! :beer
I KNEW you’d never PUT UP.
TRUMP’S a BLOW BAG…ALL SHOW…NO GO!!! Gee…Who do I know like that???
And who said anything about ONLINE GAMBLING??? :flush
I say TRUMPS a LOSER in this race…You say he’s the next PRESIDENT…
Guess what??? I’LL WIN… Just watch…For THAT reason, and ONLY THAT reason, you BAILED out!!!
I guess you’re AFRAID I’ll be right…
A G A I N!!!
With STRONG SUPPORTERS like YOU, “The DONALD” should have NO PROBLEM!!! :help
Your boy “Trump” is a laughing stock.
I hear his running mate is going to be…
Will someone please inform MR. TRUMP that HAIR BANDS went out in the 80’s! :shocked
If I make a bet with you for money on this thread, it’s called online gambling and it’s illegal. You’re asking me to do something illegal. You know I can’t accept because to do it would be to do something illegal. And how would I collect the spoils from an illegal act? No court in the land would uphold it.
OK Dave…
I’ll make this REAL EASY for you since your economic situation is obviously in the negative these days…
DAVE WAS RIGHT…There’s a first time for EVERYTHING!!! :beer
I THINK we can avoid a RICO Statute violation with this kind of wager…I can’t just see the FBI breaking down your door Dave over an internet Presidential race wager like this…But if you’re STILL afraid…Don’t worry…WE can ALL see through you! I see GOVERNORS make these bets all the time during SUPER BOWLS or WORLD SERIES…A crate of ORANGES for some BOSTON BAKED BEANS…Haven’t seen the FBI haul anyone off YET…But we all know WHY you won’t make the BET Dave…
You’d be W R O N G…And best of all…YOU’D HAVE TO ADMIT IT HERE!!!
Either way…You LOSE…Just like your BOY Trump.
Either way, I win just like Trump. A governor’s crate of oranges doesn’t cost 50 grand. I’m curious if you’d even honor a gentlemen’s bet or simply go on a tangent swearing at me being a sore loser until the mods closed the thread instead of admitting that you lost. I’ll make a gentlemen’s bet with you stating who’s winning prediction came true.
Fair enough. :beer
Hey Dave,
I’m just busting some beans here…Don’t take it so personal.
If Donald Trump becomes President of the United States I PROMISE you here and now…That I will post a thread simply stating you were RIGHT.
It’s never going to get written because Trump has NO SHOT…But IF he does…I will follow through on my end…and it will be SINCERE too!!
Your’s better be the same.