Rochester, NY investments

Any of you out there investing in Rochester, NY? I just purchased a 8-unit building. I would love to hear your thoughts.

Actually i found a few duplexes that seem to cash flow and I have been talking to a realtor there. So pretty soon I think i’ll have some money there.
I’m from California and don’t plan on moving so my goodness if anyone is doing it out of state or across the country chime in and tell me it goes good from time to time. LOL. All i hear about it horror stories…
i figure I’m active in it; I’ll go out every 3-6 months without telling anyone So i can get comfortable with the prop management and then slowly go only once per year.

I am taking the plunge. I have an 8-unit there that is being managed by a local firm. So far so good. I have a 15-unit unders contract as well. I think that it is a great cash flow market. The properties I am looking at are greatly undervalued and have a lot of upside.

By the way, I am from California as well.