
Im new to the game, i’ve been reading up on ways of generating income from real estate. Last night me and my associate attended a free seminar from the Robert Allen Institute, and We both signed up for the course. I was just curious if any of you guys have any experience or have heard anything about this institution or Robert Allen himself. The course was a lot of money, we singed up in the spur of the moment, but we still have time to get our money back if we don’t like it after the first class. Any input will be apprciated.


I attended the three day seminar and found it very informative. In addition, at the end you receive CDs of a full seminar (not the one you just attended). Also, you can audit the same seminar for the following 12 months. Repeating it is a good idea.

On the other hand, I have not really used any of the techniques, although I have thought of ways I could have used some in the past. Have attended some foreclosure auctions so have learned more there.

I have most of Robert Allen’s books, along with all the RichDad, Poor Dad books. There are so many people out there pushing the same techniques – it is just a matter of doing it – jumping in.

I was impressed with the speakers’ knowledge and willingness to respond to questions. They also realize that fewer than 5 percent of attendees ever do anything with the knowledge. It is really up to us to make the first leap! Would love to find a mentor, but have not yet located one in my area.

Kind of reluctant to jump at some of the coaching available, since there are so many, and not a lot of good things being said. I think that is probably because every market is different.