Any ideas on how to capitalize on the coming wave of retirees in need of affordable housing?
As far as renting to seniors goes, is there a way to rent to them exclusively, either SFH or multi-family? I would assume the fair housing laws would get in the way. I know there are some government programs out there. I am trying to find my niche, and I like the idea of seniors not tearing the place up and the low turnover.
You might be on to something. I would guesssssss starting with flyers in communities with older residents. At some point this resident might get sick of up keep and consider a turn key deal with no maintenance at all. For instance, my neighborhood was established in 1923 and we either have elderly, new youger couples in a new house from tear downs and some in between. My neighborhood might have a hundred of these types.
Maybe try rec centers for the elderly and market to them. Turn key house, no yard or house maintenance ect ect.