What could be used to remove the odor of “Old and Stale” smell? It seems to have penetrated everthing in the room. I’ve tried countless cleaners and fresherners but the smell remains.
why would you want to get rid of it a. I would use it to your advantage.Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh smell the history in this beautifully remodeled home. You can feel the presence of the days of old gone bye ;D
Ozone purifiers or generators.
Do a google.
i know a guy that rehabbed an old mobile that was full of cats - (owner went to nursing home & they were abandinded). it was TERRIBLE - he got a spray soultion & it worked… will see if I can find out what it was
Have also heard the ozone thing works too
I guess the historian line isnt real popular.
Thanks for the replys, your responses are appreciated.
campbellgroup: Cute, but I don’t think it will work.
drcpr: I appreciate your trying to find out what it was used.
IndyBruce: I’ll check it out.
Thanks again. More thoughts are welcome.
Have you tried a primer by "Kilz"[sp?] ? It covers odors, stains and more. We are puting it on the walls and ceilings before we paint in our curent rehab.
Here’s the email our friend sent
"…There are two products that I have used; one is Urine-off, the second is Anti-Icky-Poo.
Urine -off is the best, but I have to order it from PHX. Icky-Poo it … works well; and it is cheaper. $14.00 vs. $21.00 for about 12oz…"
IMO if it gets rid of cat smell, it will get rid of anything that smells
Not necessarily. I am under the impression that the urine removers specifically break down unine compounds. As far as I know they aren’t a general smell remover and won’t get rid of mold, cigarette, etc smells.
Rich is right. I had a rehab that hadn’t been updated for 50+ years. Had cats. I found that the pad underneath the carpet was the cause and the urine remover didn’t touch that. I took the carpet out and the pad was like coal and stuck to the plywood. Once I scarped that away, bought new window treatments, and got rid of the old furniture it was gone. May work if yours is an old house.
gee guess
my scientic background sucks ;D
maybe if someone is rehabbing a cat house they might be interested in this
I will be looking into the Icky Poo. Thanks