Recording "Lease Options"

I live in Philadelphia, PA, and the Recorder of Deed’s Office WILL NOT record Options of any kind (probably because it will cloud title). What can I do to get the Option recognized? Anyone?

Can you record a memorandum?

re: Memorandae - I’ll find out tommorrow, but I don’t have a good feeling on it

That doesn’t make sense. Obviously you want to cloud the title because if they try to refi or sell you need to get paid because you are owed money. Do they allow people to file mechanics leins there?

I’ve never heard of a county office refusing to record a legal and notarized Memo of Option. Try talking with someone else there. There has to be some confusion.

Thank you all. I’ve got to start learning to challenge “No”. I’ll be down there this week with my specially-sharpened “Red Tape” Ginsu

Perfect! I love Filet of Clerk!