Recommended books to read

Let’s get a list of books that have had a great impact on your personal investment philosophies… :biggrin

A few books have been mentioned here and there but it would help to have a list posted under this single topic…

ANY book that you think changed your ways of thinking and kept you ahead of the herd

  1. The creature from Jekyll Island
  2. Crash Proof
  3. The Great Bust Ahead
  4. The End of Prosperity
  5. The Millionaire Next Door

Anything written by David Dreman.

His…Contrarian Investment Strategies… Is a MASTERPIECE!!!

This guy made BILLIONS buying companies that have had the crap beat out of them. He buys stock in companies when everyone else is running for the doors.

The point that struck me about this book and changed my investing philosophy was this…

I can NOT tell you WHO will make the next Iphone or Blackberry. Those items come out by the millions every year. Some fail, some are successful…the problem is I HAVE NO IDEA WHICH ONES WILL SUCCEED.

Dreman takes a completely different approach…He looks for great companies that have PROBLEMS… but those problems are FIXABLE.
The book uses example after example of how this approach has worked over and over.

It makes you THINK…It has made me more money than I ever thought possible, and it CONSISTANTLY beats ever other method I have ever used.

I know it’s lame to do so, but T. Harv Eker is his book “Secrets of the Millionaire Mind” summed up about 20 self-help and business authors. I’d recommend it because with it, you’re also getting Robert Kiyosaki, Thomas Stanley, Neopolean Hill, Earl Nightingale, John Burley, Steven Covey, and many, many more whose ideas I saw STOLEN in the Eker book. Nonetheless I enjoyed it and think it should top any reading list. Another one is the Millionaire Next Door. I loved that one.