Recomendations of Begginers Courses

I have read a couple books on RealEstate Options and believe this is the way I want to go to start out. Can anyone recomend a Good ““Comprehensive*”” course on RealEstate Options? I’ve seen several on this site and other sites…I want the one that has the most “how-to” information w/ step by step instructions…Alot of the books I’ve read just generalize about topics but don’t ever get into the nuts and bolts of how to do or execute the practices they preach.
Any reco’s are definately appreciated!

I’m not trying to advertise for anyone. It’s just good information on the subject.

Not really a course, but Jack Miller is doing his Options Seminar
one more time on October 22-23, 2005 in Tampa, Florida.
You can still register, if you hurry.

This might be the last time he ever does this class.
Jack is in his mid-seventies. Catch him while you still can.

His website has more information:

Go to the website, then click on the “Seminars” tab on the left side of the screen.
Scroll down the list to the “Options Combo Class.” Click on the title to get a PDF file
that describes the training topics. See if this is not what you want.

In this one seminar, he is combining his Options Funamental Class with
his Advanced Option Techniques Class.
It’s a lot of information for the small price of the seminar.
(If you subscribe to his newsletter, you get $100 off the admission to his seminars.)

If you can’t make the training, check out his booklet called “Power Options.”
It’s less than twenty bucks.

I don’t get a kickback or anything from this reco.
Jack is one of my early mentors, and this class was
the one that really caused my business to take off.

I can’t stress too much how valuable this training has been to me.
I continue to make more money from options than anything else in real estate.

PS:  Robb-  you, $CASH$, and some of the others may be interested in the cruise in December.
We're going to St. Maarten, Barbados, and Martinique.  Lots of food and fun.
The cruises are always great! Bring the entire family.  You can't beat the price, or the company!