Recent Gerald Celente interview


Good read,thanks for the post.Whata shame.

This man is an economic genius. Very well said.

Mr. Celente’s forecast on our impending future is based on his study of history. He says we are bent on destroying our currency, bankrupting our government, and unleashing a violent citizen-against-citizen eruption as the economy collapses into chaos and martial law fascism.

A hyperinflationary depression is on it’s way. Clean your guns as you will likely need them.

Great article.

Well, depressions are usually associated with deflation, from what I understand. But generally I agree with him. Things seem to be getting more half-assed by the day in this country.

Wow! What an excellent and comprehensive article! I believe that he’s absolutely right. It’s only a matter of time - like a ticking time bomb.


"Mr. Celente’s forecast on our impending future is based on his study of history. He says we are bent on destroying our currency, bankrupting our government, and unleashing a violent citizen-against-citizen eruption as the economy collapses into chaos and martial law fascism. "

I don’t own a gun, never had a desire or motivation to own one, but that article made me think of actually going out and purchasing one or two or three… make my new NRA membership more relevant… :biggrin

From the article -
“Morality is missing from our American public consciousness. Start with Wall Street. It’s run by a criminal gang. The only question is ‘how much can you make, how much can you steal?’ At the bottom, the welfare recipient says ‘how much can I take?’ And the government is in on the take.” “Morality is absolutely the issue."
- Gerald Celente

“We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. Avarice, ambition, revenge, or gallantry, would break the strongest cords of our Constitution as a whale goes through a net. Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” --October 11, 1798 - Jonh Adams

Some of the wisest men… timeless wisdom… and yet we continue to enslave people into government servitude…

“Another trend we wrote about over 2 years ago was the tax revolt. What’s happened? Tax revenues have collapsed by 33%. And THE WEALTHY PEOPLE ARE LEAVING.”
- Gerald Celente

But let’s try to tax the “rich” more… :rolleyes :rolleyes

“Now they’re creating the bailout bubble – which will ultimately dwarf the real estate bubble. It will cause the implosion of the global economy world wide – which will not be able to be repaired by creating yet another bubble. Every time the government fails, it tells a bigger lie and then a still bigger lie.” - Gerald Calente

The conspiratorial side of me entertains the idea that they are purposely doing this so the US will have to be bailed-out by the rest of the world but will have to give up our sovereignty and become part of the New World Order one government… Is that paranoid? Hmmm… I don’t know… guess time will tell…

People thought the US was going down the tubes in the '70s too, and then things turned around. Then in the '80s a lot of people thought the US would lose ground to Japan, and instead it was Japan that went into a lost decade. The US is pretty resilient. On the other hand, we didn’t have the debt at those times that we have now, or as many of the complex financial instruments that no one seems to have a grip on. So that’s the wild card.

I agree with the conspiratorial side of you. I watched this movie about 8 or 9 months ago with an open mind. By the end I thought that there is a high likelihood that the New World Order is infact what is in store for us and decided to closely watch the political atmosphere to see if it is true or BS. I have found on many occasions a number of things that have verified it and am absolutely convinced that 90% of the movie is the real deal. Its a couple of hours long but well worth the time.

My Lawrence Summers impersonation:


Excerpt from the article:

The key to watch is Christmas sales. They’ll fail. Christmas will be when reality sets in."

Should be interesting…
