Has anyone ever hired either rebath or bathfitters? Or have you tried a competitor? If so, how are they priced? Were you happy with the results?
I usually do my own bathroom renos (3-5 days). The one day reno service that they advertise appeals to me. But is it worth it?
Replace tub, fixtures and drywall
Paint walls install tub surround
tile floor install new toilet
install new vanity, mirror and lights
I usually spent about $1500 per bathroom if it needs everything.
Not worth it. Paint the tub.
It is worth it. Your properties are a reflection of your business which is ulimately a reflection directly upon you. Don’t be a slumlord, keep up the good work.
Back to your question. I do all the work myself, it’s pretty basic/easy stuff. The hardest and quite possibly dumbest thing I have ever done to a bathroom is to try and replace an old tub with a new construction tub, I recommend this to noone. Still to this day the biggest pain in the arse I have ever tackled.
Most tubs just need to be cleaned very well. You can get them reglazed. Those old cast iron tubs last forever and look nice reglazed. Its worth the effort to replace all the plumbing lines and fixtures. Replacing an old tub is a lot of work. I gutted my entire bathroom and turned it into a full bath by adding a tub/shower unit. The material were $1500 at Home Depot.