Realtor with knowledge of back-to-back close

Hi my friends,

I am in the Lehigh Valley Area of PA and the property is listed in Bethlehem a beautiful area. I just recieved an acceptance letter from FHA approving the short sale process. The letter states that the property must be listed by an liscence Realtor within 7 days.

Problem: I can not find a Realtor in the Lehigh Valley Area that understands the double-closing that investor do. All I get are complains that they would be violating some ethics.

I am in desperate need of a Realtor that does not have these issues. :help

Remember that they are looking for a listing agreement not a listing in the MLS… Jump online and hire a fee for service company (Help u Sell Assist 2 Sell etc) on an open ended listing agreement for 99 bucks and be done…

Good Luck

Thank you sooooooooo much for that info. I just talk with other investors that have confirmed what you said. I will do exactly that. You are the best. I will let you know what happens. I also talked with a Realtor who is now going to list the property and she confirmed what you were saying and said it is how I can get around the Realtor’s ethics issue…

Thank you. :bobble