Real Estate Software?

Does anyone use real estate software like Carlton Sheets’ software toolkit, etc. to analyze property, create a business plan in order to get bank funding, or to manage their property? I would appreciate any comments and suggestions about using software. Also, if you have your own method of doing these I wouldn’t mind hearing that as well.

Thanks and have a great week.



I use the Carleton Sheets Toolkit for managing the properties. It is excellent for what I do. I haven’t used it to analyze property (not sure how a computer helps with this) nor to create a business plan (I don’t think it does that). I also use the Toolkit for the various forms it contains: purchase contracts, move-in/move-out form, pet agreement, etc. I also print out a monthly rent roll and use it to collect the rent.

I do have a business plan, but I wrote that myself.

Good Luck,


Mike, would you be wiling to share the purchase contract with me? If yes, can you email it to me?


Thanks for your help Mike, once I get going I’ll probably get that if I choose to manage the properties myself.
