Real Estate Jobbing Course. B Grimes Questin

Is the software compatible with Macintosh. I have an Imac G5 and would hate to buy the course and not be able to use it. I haven’t found any info on it…

Thanks guys and gals.


I just purchased the course… there is the pc download version and the mac download version. I’m having a problem unzipping the files in the pc version though. I clicked unzip and it said the files were succesfully unzipped… but I can’t access them… :cry:

Quick update…

I just figured out what I did wrong. For those of you who purchase the course and download it… make sure you pay attention to what file you store it under. After I realized what folder I unzipped the files into… I went in and moved them to another folder specifically for jobbing info.

I look forward to reading all the information and build my real estate business from the ground up.