Real Estate Investment/Personal Finance book recommendations

Hey All,

I’ve been scanning the site for a while and figured I would finally start my first thread. Anyways, I just wanted to see what books many of you would recommend to learn more about real estate investment or finance? My personal plan for real estate investment will be starting with multi-family properties (at least that’s been my goal since I have began researching) I’ve read: “Investing in Duplexes, Triplexes, and Quads,” and “Multi-Family Millions,” I have “Investing in Real Estate” which I haven’t read yet, but plan on. Other than that, I read a lot of other general personal finance books such as, “The Total Money Makeover,” and, “The Millionaire Next Door.”

Anyways, just seeing what other books along those lines many of you would recommend. I’m 22 right now and have a good job as a Quality Assurance Inspector for a company that builds offshore drilling platforms. I make good money and enjoy my job, but the hours are not something I want to do my whole life (56-68/week) I am happy doing this while I pay off some debts (car, student loans, etc.)

I live in Corpus Christi, Tx right now, and it’s alright, but it’s not where I want to settle down and spend my life, so I think I will wait till I move somewhere that I really see myself being for a long time before I start investing in rental properties. I don’t have any family here and I’m single with no kids, so I can really go wherever I please. As much as I would like to start buying properties here, I’d hate to buy some that I plan on just buying and holding as more of a long term investment instead of looking for quick cash, and then moving away from them in a year or two. I always would love to make more money right now, but I really have no problem doing what I’m doing for work and just continually buying multi-family with something like 15 year mortgages and having them pay for a good part of themselves, and just cashing in on them many years down the road.

Thanks All,


Dan, Rich Dad Poor Dad by Richard Kiyosaki is great, in fact most of his books in real estate investing are very good, there is an author I stumbled upon that I haven’t seen much written about, Mathew Martinez, I like his general philosophy about investing

^ I actually just read that book a few months. Really good book. With all the real estate books, it seems that the examples they use have really been prime and perfect situations. I think anyone that plans on getting into the business and expecting those kind of results their first time, or even any time, will be pretty disappointed.

There is obviously a lot of money to be made, if you go about it the right way and do your research, but I think a lot of people go into it with too high of expectations.

having high expectations if fine, if you do the research and know what your doing you can have high expectations, but don’t expect there not to be challenges along the way,there are always challenges, some seem too great to overcome (and some are),

high expectations are great, expecting it to be easy, those are the people that will be disappointed


Well that is good to hear at least! I figure as long as I keep my expectations lower, I will be satisfied much more easily and encouraged to keep on a similar path :slight_smile:

Hey Dan
I’ve got several articles, videos and a list of great, inexpensive courses/books on my website. Depending on what niche you’re looking to get into, I could suggest a few.