real buyers

I am a newbie wholesaler in NY. I get fantastic deal and I have buyers approach me all the time. THEY DONT BUY. My products are price very well but either the buyers are bottom feeders and offer to pay LESS than what I pay or they are FIrst time homebuyers who will pay but there is the issue with 203k loan.

I am severing ties with all buyers and starting new. My general rule is 10 percent down and proof of funds. 10 percent or 15k is earnst money deposit so that I dont waste time.
I read so many articles and books on wholesaling and followed all the rules.

Posted in craigslist, loopnet, small newspapers, etc. Everybody wants a deal but they do not sign the contract.

WHERE ARE THE REAL BUYERS? Landlords, cash buyers, I have deals but need the contacts.

The real buyers have been slowed down in the muck and the mire of the current credit crunch. we’re busy wading through all the BS the lenders want to see before they’ll loan us money. we’re taking longer to do deals because the credit has slowed down so much, and the lending process is taking much longer to close. thats where we are, since you were wondering!

The real buyers are driving around in a Realtors cars looking at houses to buy… Buyers think Realtors are free and 92% use them…

Where in NY you invest. :cool