Quickest possible way to find a foreclosure listings in FL

Hello all!

I’m in FL (Pasco county, right near tampa), and wanted to know if anyone from the area can tell me how I could find foreclosure information the quickest. Would it just be going to the courthouse everyday to see filings? I don’t see many listed in our local papers (st. pete times, tampa tribune, etc), and don’t know of any legal papers to be looking for. Any advice to help point me in the right direction would be highly appreciated!!

Finding the local paper of record would be helpful, it likely isn’t the Trib or the Times. Have you called the courthouse to see what their procedures are for releasing foreclosure information? Perhaps you will be surprised and it might be easier than you think.

If you have a relationship with any title company they can get you the information as well.
Are you looking to buy preforeclosure or REO’s?

Well, I am considering both, but my primary aim is preforeclosures

Nod lists from irsfl.com

That’s a ‘.com’, not a ‘.gov’, you’re suggesting that’s the QUICKEST way to find when someone goes into foreclosure?

That’s a list selling service (and an extremely expensive one at that, at least relative to what I’ve seen).

I’m trying to find where they’re getting their information, I want to find it before it gets on the lists.

I’ve contacted the records people in the area I’m trying to do, and they’re clueless, they tell me I can only search their records by a specific person’s name, and that I cannot just see all the lis pendens from a specific time frame.

Unfortunately, pasco county makes you pay to do a lookup any other way than by name or instrument number. You would have to pay $40/mo plus some setup fees to do look ups on lis pendens.

It’s free in Hillsborogh county.

Send me an E-maa private message and I’ll tell you my secret way of looking them up for free…but I still don’t think it’s as fast as seeing the lp list…that usually comes out daily listing everything that went out the day before.

Good luck.