Questions on forms/ contracts

I am a 22 year old first time investor located in the orange county, ca area interested in short sales and wholesaling. I have read just about ever article on this website as well as attended numerous free workshops as i dont have much money for the pricey bootcamps offered, and I feel that I have learned a sufficient amount of info to start looking for preforeclosures homes in my area. I would like to ask all you succesful investors out there what you think of the CA area for short sales and wholesaling- there are more than enough listings, the question is are there many people buying(even if discounted considerably??) also, I am still somewhat confused about which contracts and forms are needed to complete the transaction (ie HUD1, sales/purchasing contracts, ect.) and if there is any website or generous person who would be able to email me a copy of these…i appreciate any help offered!!! I am also looking for a mentor- I will be attending a local REIA mtng in hopes of finding some help but I thought I would give this a try also…thanks in advance for your time :helpand help!!! ~Noe’l :dance