I hear these accounts about how years ago banks were giving out home loans for free. They would get a free home loan, then use that free homes equity to buy another home. And then another. And then another.
At what point were people like that considered “real estate investors”?
It seems like an oddity of a time period. When basically anybody was given more then everything anybody could ever imagine, for nothings day. Simply amazing.
Will that ever happen again or was that just baby boomer luck?
Its like walking into a casino and at the entrance they are handing out millions of dollars for free. They dont even have to go to the tables and work for it. Then they walk in and out of the casino with as much as they want and every time the casino just hands them millions for nothings day. They never step up to the gambling tables, yet they called themselves professional gamblers. Are they professional gamblers?
Back to real estate. So these people were given free homes and free investment properties. As many as they wanted. No problem. Zero Percent Financing. Then when they needed cash money to start their real estate investors business and to also start renovating units, I guess the small business administration just gave them free bundles of money in freebie grants and easy loans. Now they are investors, and business men, I guess. Then they go into any old bank and declare they need money for fixing up houses. So without hesitation and no approval process the bank freely dishes out hundreds of thousands of dollars for nothings day.
At what point are these people investors? At what point are they business men?
Is real estate ever going to be so easy ever again?