Question on getting started

I just read the How to build a list of buyers article, could I use the same tactic as a bird dog or no? It seems plausable

Yes, absolutely!!! Start building your buyers list ASAP. That’s your bread and butter. Being a “bird dog” is finding motivated sellers, getting the deal under contract and then working with a larger group that has a buyers list to sell your property to (this is one method).

They will take a percentage of the profits just because they helped sell the property. Now if YOU can sell the property, YOU can keep all the profits.

Just do the “bird dogging” thing until you have a small buyers list, 50 to a 100 names or so. Once you get a property email out your list and if you get it sold…waalaaa. If not, no sweat, just call your wholesaler contact have them sell it for you.

How to get 50 to 100 names fast? Post an ad on Craigs List & Back Page at least 2 times per week, you’ll have a list in no time.

Good Luck!


Wow hey thanks for the reply and I definatley will do it!

Being a bird dog is one way. But why not put that same effort into securing the property for yourself, doing the deal and keeping all the profit? Anyone can secure an option on a property for a buck or five and shop it around for a buyer.

What do you mean by securing an option? I would just say that while negotiating?

If you are completely new to this, just bird dog and keep reading material in this forum to understand the different methods to investing.