Psychology of Colors

Pretty good article on choosing colors for your properties.

I paint my properties whatever color I think will bring me the most of my favoriate color…green (backs). ;D

We stick to a basic pre-chosen pallet…all of our exteriors are the same color (with the exception of the one that came with white vinyl siding) and our interiors are all off-white (eggshell in most rooms/semi-gloss in the kitchens and baths)…


My psychology is to paint all the interiors Berkshire White. It’s from my favorite rehab store - Wal-Mart. Then, if the tenants ever mess up the paint (it could happen), I can touch up without trying to figure out what color it is. It’s ALWAYS Berkshire White. I’ve even painted the tenants Berkshire White. It makes them stand out when they’re hiding with the rent.


we use Sherwin Williams Macadamia. Nice, warm, rich tan color. Sometimes a darker shade for accent.

But we rehab and sell, and buyers like the warmer colors better than “white bombs”. For a rental I’d probably go cheap unless it’s a high-end property.

White tornado. Zzzzzzzzzz. Maybe for rentals. As far as flips go, white ceilings and trim, sandstone walls throughout. Nuetral but not white and bland…