Propertymanager.....IS...... buying REAL ESTATE again!!!!!

I just found a property that Mike recently purchased!!!

The listing agent said the CANNED FOOD and WATER sealed the deal!!!

Now that is funny. :beer

Lol, hahahaaa.

Fd, I hope the collapse doesn’t come or you’re gonna be eating CROW for breakfast, lunch and dinner. :anon
I’m kinda pessimistic now about the world economy to tell you the truth. I’m not a bomb shelter, guns, canned food kind of guy, but I am pretty wary nowadays.

I will take a respectful crack at your post…I dont feel that fdjake should eat his words if this collapse happens…The point of all the arguments here is there are deals going on everyday…People are still trying to succeed…I might ever give up and say oh damn the end is near let me hidelout in 2012 or some bs like that…If you are a business(person) you seek arbitrage oppurtunities and make your move…You dont sit around and only do things during the great times…These times are when the foundation is built to become really secure financially when things turn around…Whenever that may be…There is a huge interest to make this world go on…Its in no ones best interest for a world wide collapse and despite what some post here there is tremendous plunge protection team in place for just this type of scenario…We may have dips/bumps/craters etc but eating canned food,living in shelters underground etc isnt going to happen…Id bet on long drawn out recovery…Im not saying we go back to the bubble decade but I will say that we rebuild and start to recover around 2011-2012…In the meantime there are deals out there…There is money to be made…I had my best year since 2006 this year…

I'm kinda pessimistic now about the world economy to tell you the truth. I'm not a bomb shelter, guns, canned food kind of guy, but I am pretty wary nowadays.

As well you should be. Why do you think that The Chosen One called Merkel over the weekend to strong arm her into going with the $1 Trillion Greek Bailout? Because Obama loves the Greeks? Hardly! Obama did that because he is afraid that Greece will cause a cascading collapse that will end up right here in the USA! Speaking of Greece, thank you for your contribution of at least $50 Billion Dollars of US taxpayer (created out of thin air) money. Please keep your wallet out, we still need your money for Portugal, Italy, Ireland, Spain, England, France (who has had deficits for more than 39 years in a row), etc, etc, etc.

As for Rookie’s post - I AGREE (as I’ve only said 5 million times)! Everyone SHOULD be out there making money - this year, next year, and every year! Furthermore, as I’ve said many times before, everyone in business should be doing better this year than they did last year and better yet the next year - until the runaway spending causes the economy to collapse. If you own a business or are employed in a successful company, you should be having your best year this year and a better year next year. If not, then you certainly need to be taking a hard look in the mirror. Personally, I’m operating my rental property business as if things are normal. What’s the choice - sell everything and put cash (which is worth less every day) under the mattress?

Even after the economy collapses, there will be opportunities to make money. If there’s a war - sell bullets. If there’s a food shortage - sell food. Smart people always make money!

On the other hand, to think that the US Economy can’t collapse is simply ignoring history. People generally are optimistic, which is why the Jews marched quietly by the millions into Nazi gas chambers. They wanted to believe that somehow things would be alright, right up til the point of death. I’m absolutely sure that the socialists in Greece thought everything would be fine while they were spending themselves into oblivion with handouts and entitlements. We’re doing the same thing now in the USA and we also think that somehow things will be alright. Literally Hundreds of Millions of people died at the hands of socialists during the 20th Century. Now, we have a socialist in the White House and yet we think that somehow things will be different here. That couldn’t happen in the USA! Yeah, right!

We may have dips/bumps/craters etc but eating canned food,living in shelters underground etc isnt going to happen

And if you don’t stock up on essentials, YOU’RE BETTING YOUR LIFE ON IT. People have starved to death during various crisis periods by the MILLIONS. Again, we believe that it couldn’t happen here! I’m fine with that - if people don’t want to be prepared, that’s fine by me. However, I would like (once again) to point out that stocking up on some food for an emergency COSTS NOTHING (not a penny)! In fact, it will almost certainly SAVE you money. As for the comment about underground shelters - no one has suggested that and I can’t fathom why anyone would want one unless they believed that a nuclear war was imminent. Now, if I lived in NYC (ground zero for the coming terrorist nuclear attack), then I would certainly be looking for the fastest ways out of the city. NYC is one place that an underground shelter might come in handy, so maybe Rookie would like to buy FDJake’s underground shelter.

I have to check out fd’s location of the property first…May not be prime retail location for me to sell ammo out of if things get ugly…Worst case we could partner up,you supply the ammo and I will supply the prime location for distribution…Why am I envisioning an Escape From NY scenario :shocked

I have to check out fd's location of the property first..May not be prime retail location for me to sell ammo out of if things get ugly..

Can’t do that! NYC is a gun free zone (criminal protection zone). If almost no-one has guns, there won’t be many ammo sales! I think I’ll stay here in Ohio, where we still have a few freedoms.

It’s hard as I look around my city and see the closed down stores and restaurants.But some are sprouting back up as new business’s.This tells me what I hope to be true,that it’s impossible to stop the american spirit and drive to be better.On the same note it pisses me off to see big govt trying to attack capitalism and this spirit.We are supposed to listen to these people who never ran anything but their mouths on what’s best for our future?

It feels like having a traffic director at a working redlight,Hey if you’d get the hell outta the way we could get through here faster.It’s time to tell big govt to get outta the way in Nov,if you’ve been in there over two terms=you’re part of the problem,Dems,Repubs,Ind,don’t matter,hit the door.

This tells me what I hope to be true,that it's impossible to stop the american spirit and drive to be better.

It’s impossible to stop the American spirit for the type of people on this forum. Unfortunately, we’re the small minority. The majority have already had their spirit broken and will go along with whatever the government does to them (back to my example of the Jews quietly marching into the gas chambers BY THE MILLIONS). It’s up to US to TAKE OUR COUNTRY BACK!