Property into Landtrust> Short Sale Property>Avoid Title Seasoning

I am here in Atlanta GA and i was wondering if this strategy can be accomplishment if we find a double closing attorney.

Find Motivated Seller > Seller puts house into landtrust> You as trustee> Your LLC as beneficiary of the Trust> The Warrentee Deed is transfered to the trust and recorded as being the title holder before the foreclosure date.> Then we Negoiate the short sale with the Bank and Find a new buyer then the title goes from the landtrust short/sale to the new buyer which brings convential financing and the trust gets paid the difference.

I think the flaw to this is that the trust can not show up making any money on the hud with the first closing.

I am in GA so how can I do a short sale using a trust and sell to a convential buyer without them needing hard money or a lender with seasoning issues. Perhaps the latter is the only answer.