Proper Dress and Behavoir of a RE Investor


It is a dangerous world, especially when dealing with low income tenants. It is amazing to me that there are such large numbers of criminals in the ranks of low income renters. In my business, we decline more applicants due to their criminal background than for any other reason.

One of the things I do to avoid direct contact with the worst criminals is to screen all potential applicants on the phone. I tell all potential applicants our screening criteria on the telephone so that I don’t even have to meet the unqualified. That not only helps me avoid meeting most criminals, but it also saves me time with wasted showings.

Just a few days ago, I met a young couple at my 3 bedroom house that is for rent. They liked the house and wanted to rent it. I again told them our screening criteria, at which point the man became somewhat agitated. As it turns out, he had just gotten out of prison for a felony. When I told him that I didn’t rent to felons, he became upset. I got them out of the house without incident, but you never know which one of these drugged up felons is going to become violent. That is why I always carry my handgun when working. Better safe than sorry!
