I’ve been reading the interesting thread below on 'safety tips", especially for the not so good areas. A freind of ours owned properties in such areas, would go about doing business in scrungy clothes, and owns and drives an older car on purpose, to visit his rentals.
I on the other had invested, checked out, landlorded in blue collar areas or better, where homes go for $350K and up, and found that I have to look a little more professional. This is especially true going to suburban subdivisions, manicured lawns, and trying to see properties while no one is home, go see the back, without “watchful” neighbors caling the cops, and have a swat team show up.
Being a little older, with gray hair, I find wearing a white shirt, and tie, carrying a pen and clipboard as a prop, makes me look a bit more professional and less suspiciious and threatening. Some freinds feel a tie is overdoing it a bit.
What do you think??
For me, the “tie” is the thing, I might be stereotyping, but I can’t imagine a young burglar up to no good saying “let me wear a tie to go on this burglary”.
For isntance, I was on a reconaissance trip once, and an across the street neighbor noticed me, and because I was carrying my clipboard, concluded I was on some official business, maybe for the town, then came over to see if I needed help. Based on the conversation, he was on the verge of calling the cops.
But if I was in tee shirt and shorts, some neighbor feel threatened, would surely call the cops first, and if they further find firearms in the car, I’m surely in for some big problems.
Being a minority, I’m also a bit more sensitive. How about a black investor, or a Hispanic. For instance, if I see a black investor with a white shirt and tie with a clipboard, or carrying a small brief case, in a mainly whire area, I see him differently than if he was in scrungy clothes, where I might conclude he’s going to rob the place.
Putting it differently, I’ll approach someone in a shirt and tie with a clipboard and a smile, but I’ll avoid someone dressed in a tee shirt, shorts.
I live in a more mixed neighborhood in the city, but I got a rental in more a suburban setting, I would call the cops myself if I see someguy I never seem before, coming by in scrungy clothes, or driving slowly around, or come out from a car, and disappear into some back yard.
Lately, in showing rentals, I have to say I’m a little annoyed at some rental agents bringing clients wearing shorts, dirty sneakers with no socks. Frankly, I find it disrespectful. Is this “dress down” mentality going a bit far??
Or am I too old fashioned?? How about agents in your area??
This compared to 20 or so years ago when the Century 21 guys would always come by with their dark yellow jackets, and ties, and they look like an agent. These days, seems they’re coming to my place on the way to the ball game or back.
Any comments??