I have a delima. I am buying a 46 unit building with an onsite manager. He collects rents, shows properties, does the make redies, and handywork for free rent. Now I contacted a property manager today and asked if we can split his services, he wasn’t amused at all. She said he did not want to share liability with this handyman and that he should start paying rent and we pay him as an independant contractor.
Geeze hiring this property manager (and he was the cheapest and most highly recommended by the Apt Assoc), was $20,000+ If I continued on the way the current does and that to let this tenant/mgr do eveything I would be that much richer.
But the property manager said to have the tenant show property is a liaility, fix the property is a liability and to collect the rents when some people pay cash is nuts. He’s been there for 3 years and the owner is 2 miles away. I am 5 hours in a plane away.
What to do Property Mgr for $20,000+ or Tenant/Handyman $4740 annual rent.
Thanks Jag :help