Probate Procedure

Hi everyone. I’m interested in learning the basics about working Probate deals. I’m going to the courthouse to get the recent Probate cases, and I’ll be heading to the store to find a good book, but I was wondering if someone could shed some light on the process, pitfalls, timeframe, etc.

Any help is greatly appreciated!

I guess you’re going to have to become our resident expert on probate. It seems no one has much experience with it, or at least not anyone willing to post.

BTW, I haven’t reviewed it yet, but I will be adding Rister’s “Probate Profit Machine” with the May update in a week or so. His other courses have been good quality so I see no reason this one won’t be as well.

I’d be interested in hearing anything you learn…

Thanks Tim. I’ll do some more research.

Im interested in formation regarding probate also