Pre Paid Legal

Sounds like a big fat scam…no thanks.

Jeff, i’m suprised! You? Surrender? :wink:

The median income of PPL associates is simply explained by the inactivity of most of the associates that join. There is virtually no initial capital investment, so not many treat it like a business. Those that do, make respectable incomes. It isn’t rocket science or big boy hype in the case of PPL.

As far as having to build massive teams, ive recruited about 5% of my team. They have done the rest. That is OK with me.

I have several agents that purely sell the Legal Plans and ID Theft Shield to their existing clients, complimenting their services, with little effort of their own. No recruiting is involved and they do quite well. Among them include insurance agents of all types, mortgage brokers, lenders, realtors, bankers, etc.

Try to discredit all you want, but this is legit. Period. The net marketing part of the business is a nice add-on, but it is not needed. I am very satisfied so far with the business and I would sell the plans without the opportunity attached!

Dave, do you still have your organization with Pre-paid? Just curious. They have made some changes recently to make it easier to qualify for ED. Any thoughts on that?

…Dave, are you still have your organization with Pre-paid? Just curious. They have made some changes recently to make it easier to qualify for ED. Any thoughts on that?..

Hello, Couldn’t make the quotes work…lol. No, I gave up PPL when they changed the commission structure on me back in the mid-90’s. My line of thinking in business is that I give folks just enough rope to hang themselves, the 2 strike rule if you will. I always adide by my original agreement, even if it costs $$ out of my pocket. I refuse to allow anyone to change-up on me. Still a great concept, though. I’d highly recommend it to a newbie that wasn’t familiar with the old structure and is satisfied with the current commission levels.


Hi Joe,

I don’t give up with respect to my position or poor experience with PPL, I’m just tired to beating a dead horse.

I think everyone has stated their position sufficiently and this going back and forth saying the same thing over and over is silly.

Everyone has stated what they ahve to state and now it is up to readers to draw their own conclusions.


Hey folks,

I’ve been using Pre-Paid Legal Services for the last 3 years and I can definitely attest to their value. They have saved my investment company thousands of dollars in legal fees over the last few years as well. I consider $26/month to have access to a law firm in every state I do business, quite valuable.

Just to be able to pick up the phone and ask for advice on a deal I’m working on or what I need to do to deal with a dead beat tenant who hasn’t paid his rent. I just called them a few days ago regarding an issue I had with the waste management company that serves one of my apartment buildings. The company was not picking up the dumpster on our agreed upon schedule. Trash would begin to pile up and tenants became rightfully irritated. We called numerous times and just received the runaround. One call from my attorney to the waste management company and our contract was voided, no penalty to us for breaking contract early and the dumpster was removed from the property the very next day.

Relatively speaking, this was a minor problem but it’s also a problem that I wouldn’t have been willing to pay 200 bucks an hour plus a retainer to get it straightened out.

I’m not saying PPL is right for absolutely every situation however, when you need advice, letters or someone to make a call on your behalf quick without paying an arm and a leg, this is my source. If you truly use them for what they are, you can definitely save your company a lot of money in legal fees.

Just my two cents.


Jeff Dickson
D & P Legacy Investments, LLC

Some people just don’t know when to quit.

How about if I call all ex PPL people and let them each tell you of their horror stories with each bad situation that they had???

Enough already. Time to get off the horse. It’s dead. Just bury it and let it rest in peace.

I think its a good conversation. I don’t see the harm in continuing to talk about it. I’m benefitting from it.

Sorry, but I agree with Jeff. The forums are for educational discussions related to real estate investing. As with any MLM, there will be a ton of horror stories and a ton of success stories. I’m locking the thread. Thanks.

A wise host :slight_smile: