Pre Paid Legal

Hey all. Have any of you ever heard of or used a company called Pre Paid Legal? From what I hear it is kind of like what medical insurance is to the medical world. You pay on a monthly basis and you have access to legal counsel and services…

I havent used it, but I Heard it was excellent and It will save you a boatload of cash. Im getting signed up next week. THey read all your contracts over, give you websites where you can print contracts, and you can call them when ever you want as many times a day. If you do that with a real attorney he/she would probley charge you 250/hr each time

hope this helps

Hey thanks for the reply. I have heard alot of good things about it too, and I am thinking that as a real estate investor, it might be good to have access to legal counsel without getting hit with big time bills.

Hi there,

I’ve signed up for Pre-Paid and have been using them for about 6 months. The company is very easy to work with, you call, leave your name and issue, and a lawyer in that field will call right back. They have prepared letters for me, looked over documents, and have given me advice. I totally think Pre-Paid is worth the small fee you pay each month!

Hope that helps!

Hey there. Glad to hear that you think it was a good investment. Do you know others that use the program? Out of curiousity, what professions are those people in? I am wondering who Pre Paid Legal would benefit the most.

When I bought my first property the notary agent told me about it. She is an advocate, and uses it for any and everything. Traffic tickets, letters, advise, etc. I will now be using them for a bogus “real estate” investment club where they took $7,400 for “investment projects” that never came to be. When I looked into the company, I found they were listed on the Better Business Bureau site with other complaints from former members. This was not me - mind you - but a friend that also has pre paid legal.

I have heard of Pre-Paid Legal but never used it. Was actually thinking of them a couple days ago when I got my attorney bill…OUCH!!

I am curious to what type of lawyers they have a pull from? Would they be able to perform an eviction for a landlord? Provide Tax advice? Know and understand state landlord/tenant rights?.. Fair Housing laws?


Good questions. I am actually going to find out more about it on December 6th, as I am going to one of their sales associates meetings, so I will ask those questions and update you.

Wow! I gotta ask:

How could one possibly have a speeding problem in Maryland?? I lived in the DC area for a long time and NEVER saw anyone with Maryland tags doing less than about 75 mph – and that was in neighborhhods!

Worse drivers in the country – bar none (Bostonians running a close second but still not as bad!)…


Hello all! My name is Josh and I am actually an associate for PrePaid Legal and have been for over 1 year. Although my opinion may be biased, I think that anybody who is an investor or looking to do anything in the investing field, should have access to a quality attorney at an affordable price. Thats what PrePaid Legal offers.

Josh Ward


I am curious to what type of lawyers they have a pull from? Would they be able to perform an eviction for a landlord? Provide Tax advice? Know and understand state landlord/tenant rights?.. Fair Housing laws?


Hi there. I actually went to a Pre Paid Legal seminar for the first time last night to learn more about starting my own Pre Paid Legal business. It looks very doable, and since you said that you have been an associate for about a year, I would love to talk with you and find out how you are marketing their products. (WHat has been successful to you and what has proven not so successful) THe fellow that I am going to sign on under hasn’t has alot of experience with it, and if you are fairly experienced, I would love to talk with you.
Let me know if we can chat.


Each of our lawfirms are either A-V rated or B-V rated, which is the highest rating any lawfirm can get. There ratings are determined by They specialize in all areas of law. The answer to your questions is yes, they can help you with all of those matters in 1 or more of the 5 areas of the PrePaid Legal plan. Does that answer your question?


First off, welcome to Pre-Paid Legal. My advice to you is to get your hands on a 3-disc set that the company has available by Mr. Jeff Olson. Mr. Olson has made Multi-Millions of dollars in the industry in multiple companys and does an extremely well job at telling you exactly what you need to do to become successful. What has worked for me is doing exaclty what Mr. Olson teaches. I’ve tried many things, but they don’t prove as successful as what he teaches on those tapes. Hopefully that helps.

P.S. Where abouts do you live?

Best Regards,
Josh Ward

Hey Josh,
I’m in Pittsburgh Pa. About how much can I expect to pay for the 3 disc set? Have you been successful thus far?


Ok. Go to this website to order it. Its $5 plus shipping. Type Jeff Olson in the search box, and it will pop up. You could say I have had a level of success. I just recently moved from CA to AZ into a 4000sq. ft. home to expand my business. I will be returning soon back to california to retire my mother early from corporate america. I would also highly recommend Jeff Olsons new book, “The Slight Edge.” Its around $20. Hope that helps.

Best Regards,
Josh Ward

Hey Josh,
Wow! This stuff looks surprisingly affordable! Cool thanks. Here’s where I am currently with the biz…just signed up and am awaiting my start up kit. Haha! So, what kind of marketing approach have you gone with? Who do you sell most of your memberships to? And have you had any problems with the compensation plan as far as chargebacks? (i think that is what they call it when someone closes their membership and it affects the associate profit)
Thanks for all your help!


Its extremely affordable for the type of information you will recieve. You don’t have to wait for the kit to come in the mail to start your business. Did your sponsor give you a getting started right book? If not, call he/she and tell them to get you one immediatley. To start, make a list of everyone you know. Mom, Dad, aunt, uncles, gma, gpa, sisters, brothers, old teachers, cousins, friends, neighbrs, etc…In the getting started right book there is something called a memory jogger which will help you expand your list. Once you make a list, tell your sponsor you want to set up a Private Business Reception (PBR). He/She should know what that is and will help you expose those people on your list. The sooner you have your PBR the faster your business will get off the ground. I always have my new associate do one within 24-48 hours.

I market most of my memberships through refferals or group accounts where I offer it as an employee benefit. I haven’t had many chargebacks. You can minimize your chargebacks at the Point of Sale. If you do a good job at selling them on the value of having the product, then you won’t have to worry about the chargebacks. We say, undersell, and overdeliver.
Do good business, get good results
Do bad business, get bad results… as simple as that.

Hope that helps.

Best Regards,

Hey Josh,
Ok thanks. I will look into all of that. Appreciate the feedback.

Pre paid legal is a multi level marketing company that provides very limited resources. THey do little more than write a letter for you if you wnat to dispute something. If you want them to appear on your behalf in court, you have to pay what they call discounted rates, however, it is only discounted form their normal rates which are 25% higher than your normal attorney.

I am telling you first hand as an ex prepaid legal agent.
When I went to use their services personally, I found each time that they could not handle my needs.

They also provide a free last will if you send in the questionairre, but you could do the smae thing for 10.00 with a will form from office max. Their will is not a special will nor is it designed for the intricate details of real life.

Wills are not what people think they are anyway. Everyone really needs a trust not a will…, but that’s another story.

It seems that their niche is poor, low income people who can’t afford an attorney to write letters to their credit collectors etc.

I would advise you strongly to look toward a different route.

I hope my input helps.

Thanks for your input. It sounds as if you had a lot of unsatisfied customers with the service. Thanks for the heads up.