Pre-NODs list

Has anyone used a list for searching for Pre-foreclosed that was actually accurate and current

I have been using the same guy for 3 years. He is not cheap $200.00 for 500 leads. These people are all 60-90 days late on there mortgage and he gives a great product.

Hi Summit,

Will you mind telling me which company you are using for PreNOD list? I have been sending NOD list mailsand have very poor result. Thanks.


yes what is the companies name :banghead

30-60-90 day lates are all pulled from the credit bureaus. I buy mine from response makers… I pay .18 cents a name. A minimum order of 1000 and there is a 35 dollar charge. Keep in mind I resell lists so I add a few cents on but you should be able to get a list of 1000 for 285 on average.

Nice thing is that you can ask for 30 60 90 120 days late etc and in some states that is nice since the publish time period is so short.

Here is their info…

Brad Dawson
Senior Consultant
Response Makers, LLC
Desk (949) 309 2853
Fax 800 609 3608
Toll Free 800 884 8312 X236