Looking to crank up another PostCard Campaign, targeted to Absentee Owners. What “call to action” or compelling copy have you used recently that generated a good response? Thought about directing them to video squeeze page for a Free Report, etc. Your feedback and/or advice is appreciated–Thanks.
I would like to see the video squeeze page you have set up.
Took down 6/29
Great sample of post card Micheal, I really love it. The concept was nice and it is catchy too especially the first one. “I buy headaches” I might borrow the line lol.
Thanks for sharing the postcard samples Michael–I like the artwork on the first sample and the copy on the yellow card.
I’ll keep everyone posted on the squeeze page once it is edited.
Michael, I have to give you props for creativity. Those are very good. :beer
The concepts that you have provided was really nice Micheal, could I borrow one of your lines for my post cards?