Politics in Random Ramblings??? POLL please vote

So true.

As an example: his unprovoked attack on Mike and Mike's beliefs, at the opening of this thread. Mike isn't even here and the attacks start.

that’s what I like about you…fdjake…

you’re a fierce competitor…with strong convictions.

come to think of it…so is Mike:

fdjake> :banghead [mirror image of brick wall emoticon] <propertymanager

but you have to admit…it’s pretty lame when you’re equating the President of the United States with the individual at the top of this list:


there are things that I detest about the current Administration…but to rant politically on the fringes of being vulgar degrades this site.

still miss Mike though…he brought a lot of value here.

getting my “Mike fix”…by doing some zerohedge reading.


The old mike is long gone folks.

He went Mel Gibson on us.

lol :smiley:

I miss it. I have not been on REIClub.com in a short while. I agree we should have voted. It seems there is a group that tends to only post on random ramblings anyway.

I miss it. I have not been on REIClub.com in a short while. I agree we should have voted. It seems there is a group that tends to only post on random ramblings anyway.

With all due respect robedgar…I thought we were voting,atleast I did at the top of this thread…And I will add that I voted against political threads being allowed and Im pretty far to the right…

Almost always political conversations turn ugly,whether here or some AOL chatroom…Its nearly impossible to get your point across to someone who is programmed to think and believe the dead opposite…Its better off its not allowed imho…

This poll is not posted by REI Club. It is posted by a member, trying to get feedback from other members.

I personally don't agree with the new rule.I thought that's what moderators are for,, to keep the name calling ect. to a minimum.I stop the conversation when the name calling begins.I've had several discussions with Furnished who I totally disagree with politicaly,,but we don't call each other names.And I've learned from her,and I hope I've cleared up any misconceptions of conservatives for her.We can disagree without disrespecting one another,,can't we??Or do we NEED "new rules" to settle us down?

Your right, it is the responsibilty of the members to read and follow the rules. It is the resonsibility of the Moderators to MODERATE the Forums, not babysit.

When the moderators are constantly involved in conversations regarding rules interpretation both on and off the site, the cause needs to be eliminated …and it was.

Trying to get political discussions reinstated in the REI Club Forums is not open for discussion at this time.

Thanks and we appreciate everyones involvement in the Forums…

This forum is lame now. I’m about to bail too.

This board is so unactive now…

Unactive?? :biggrin Come on Hoosier. You is a college graduate now. :biggrin

Are you saying that 15 replies and 243 views wishing you well on your graduation, was not not enough?

If this is what you consider unactive, how much did you expect in giving you congratulations?

John $Cash$ Locke

Look at the posts besides my post. I would say thats very unactive, especially considering what it used to be.

The entire premise behind a forum is to post a question and get responses,not for it to be a scrolling activity to entertain people…Its not to use as your personal sounding off board…Like I said earlier, to start threads that intentionally agitate people is not conducive to anyone…I do agree that politics play a role in our business ventures but when these become personal blatant verbal battles then its run its course and must be regulated…

I firmly believe that if we all ME INCLUDED kept our cool better and were more grown up about debating political issues maybe Mike would still be here and maybe political threads would still be allowed…Point of it all its feasibly impossible to debate poltical issues with the other side…Do you think you will ever convince the other side that their choice is incorrect?..It will never ever happen…

I hope that more useful people dont leave this forum over this ban…I think its a poor choice on Mike’s part and anyone else to leave a business minded forum over the right to bicker like school children over politics…We have too much money to make over the years and too many deals to discuss with each other…

Sorry that you guys feel that way, but sometimes you have to trim some old branches on a tree to promote new growth.

I wish you well in the future.

This board was no doubt the best BEFORE the non-stop Obama bashing got started (and yes, I indeed was a SMALL part of that, i do infact despise the man), however, political speech was still allowed. It was active and many good posters posted here.

This board was the worst when 99% of the posts was a recap of Glenn Becks telivision show posted by Mike. Why? Because Mike and Bama consisted of 90% of the posts, and nobody at all was posting.

Right now, by banning political speech, we were attempting to get back to it being really good by getting rid of the 99% Socialist topics, and unfortunetly, nobody is still posting.

I sincerely hope that there’s other topics to discuss other than political issues. Maybe people are too busy on vacation or out looking to make money… If this board goes silent because political topics are banned, thats telling you something… I don’t think the silence is from the ban. Things will pick up.

It’s the last 4 weeks of SUMMER Hoosier!!!

Get out and enjoy it. I know I am!!! :beer :beer

The posts will increase as the WEATHER gets worse.

Now, that there is funny - I don’t care who you are! :beer

Me? Fail English? That’s unpossible - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8iSD9lPVY6Q


inactive. hahahah, what was I thinking? ohh jesus. thats good stuff. :beer