I am working on this short sale and have put an ad in the local paper for a retail buyer. I have had very very low interest. Not sure if it is the ad or the market. I didn’t think things were this bad. Let me know what you think. The ad has been running for two weeks and I have had three calls. The house is in northern CO.
Can’t hold a note it is a short sale have to pay off the lien with the bank. Thank you for the suggestions.
Have you used the Ipod ad before? I was just thinking that if I was looking for a house not sure if that would motivate me (maybe the 60 gb). But then again all you are trying to do is generate interest and get the phone to ring which I haven’t been able to do so far.
I like all of the ads avove. if I were you and wanted to generate a ton of interest in the property I would go to office depot or the like and buy those real big sheets of florescent paper. they come in sheets of 5 in a package. get at least 20 sheets. Buy a big black marker. get a stapler gun. Buy a ladder if you don’t already have one. write in big letters on each sign different things like:
Owner Moving
Must sell
30K below market value!
Make Offer!
also include the address real big
AND a real big arrow pointing in the direction of the house.
(don’t put the arrow in until you put up the sign)
use the stapel gun to put the signs on telephone poles.
if you have metal light poles use those plastic ties that they have at Home depot. Get the real big ones so they fit around the pole. I am not a fan of signs in the ground on stakes becasue they get stolen. I use my ladder to put my neon signs high up on light poles or telephone poles. put at a minimum 20 around the neighborhood leading to the house. Also put them from a major road leading into the subdivision. Check in a few days to make sure your signs are still up and they should be if you put them higher than someones finger tips. People will see your signs a mile away. My signs pull 3 to 1 from my classified adds. ( i know becuase i ask people how they found out about the hosue) On my last house that i sold i didn’t even use a classified add. It a waste of money for me.
I do not put a phone number on the signs leading up to the house. At the house there is a wood sign that has in big letters using the marker at the top:
Rent to own or Owner Moving or Make Offer or Low down payment or owner will help
then i put my number real big at the botton with 24 free recored message under it also real big.
I do not put a number directly to me.
the sign that i built that is 4 feet high and 43 and 1/2 inches accross in the front yard. It is those dementions because i can staple two flourscent sheeps of paper on each side and rip them off later and use the sign again on another hosue. You will inclease your respone 3 times if you start using a free recorded message line. and be sure to write the number real big on the neon sign outsid the house with the letters 24 free recorded message. On the message put all the pertinent information including the school districts ect. I also put the bedrooms on the sign and the other basic features. you should know approximately what the utilities are also so that you don’t have to answer the same questions over and over. At the end of the recorded message that they listen to I invite them to give themselves a self showing of the hosue if they like it. all they have to do is call me nad i give them the lock box number. they call me and I talk to them for a minute and i do not sell them. if you do not know what i mean by that than call on any realtor in town about a house that you have just driven by and try to just get basic information about the house and i guaranttee you that they will be all nosey and annoying and want to know if you qualified and the like, it’s a pain. this is why the free recorded message works so well, people know they’re is no selling involved they can decide themselves wihtout pressure. any way, if it’s vacant and they’re is a lockbox i give them the code and tell them to call me back when they’re done and let me know that they have secured the house. If they don’t, i call them after an hour. If someone is living there I have those people show the hosue for me. I do not show houses. in the house i have more copies of hte basic sheets about he property as well as a frequently asked question sheet about my rent to own propgram(this is what I focus on in my city) I also have another sheet of my other rent to own hosues for sale as well as the box # and the free recorded message line for each hosue. on my message line there is also directions to it if you press 2. so they can go check those out too if they don’t like the on they just looked at. When they call me back i can tell if they like it or not and they’re motivation. I do not mention the down payment. when they ask what it is I ask them how much they have set aside for their next residence. they tell me. Don’t mention a number first. I also don’t mentiona monthly payment either first. I ask them how much they think they can pay each and they tell me. Several times I have gotten a much hight monthly payment then the minimum i knew that i need just by asking this question. I learned how to shut my mouth and listen and ask quesions from Ray Como. You shoud get his Best of Ray como V3 off of his chat room at mSN. Worth every dollar. Any way. what i described about should generate a TON of call on your hosue. If your really feeling energetic, send a postcard or distribute a flyer with in half mile of the house inviting poeple to help pick their neighbors. I also send a notice to my buyers list that i have developed. I usually have my houses sold in a week not more than two. Automatic Messaging Services is my free recorded messaging service. you can search for them and find them easily on the net. I use them becuase they’re the best i have found. I learned what you see from Ben Inness Ker and Kirk Kirschner and Richard Roop. Ben Inness Ker and Ray como are by far the best. I know you wanted your classifid ad cretiuqed but try the sign method it works. pardon the spelling, i type way to fast to reread.
Wow, thank you so much Erma great info. That was quite a first post and I appreciate you taking the time to write it. I definitely agree that signs are better than classifieds. I will give it a try!
What area are you in?
Can you give me the site for your automatic msg. service please?
the name of the company is:
AMS - Automatic Marketing Solutions bik.findmeleads.com/main
on their site you can get a free report that tells you how they can help you and explains the system of marketing that i have impement and had awsome results. definately read the report and sign up for service. realize that if you just use your 24 hour free recorded message for just selling houses your not using it to it’s full potential. i use it buy houses like crazy. i have a list, i send out a postcard to that list offering them a free report using a 24 hour free message. they, call they listen, they leave their info. I call and verify it, and send it out promptly, couple days after they recieve it i call them back. i have several different list like:the foreclosures, the expired listing, the evictions. i also send out a lot of direct mail at the disounted bulk rate by the 1000’s to area of town i want to buy in. each specific target that i send to recieves a different message taylored to them and a different free message and free report taylored to their situation. This systemized approach is so effective it’ll be all you can do to return all the calls. Ben Innes-Ker explains it in his Motivated seller magnet course you can buy on reiclub. just look for one of his articles and you should see a like to buy it. If i were you I would
#1 get AMS’s free report #2 buy Motivated seller Magnet (this is a must he explains how and why to make the most of AMS, and having AMS isn’t going to do much for you unless you know what to do with it to make the most of it, you also get a discount if you have ben’s course) #3 buy Jeff Paul’s Killer Copywriting off of Ebay. the electronic download is like $5.00. The is a Killer AD Bootcamp book in the course that is really great. it teaches you how to create effective copy to sell to a specific audience. a list of names is worth nothing unless you can appeal to them. #4 implement everything. knowlege is not power unless it is implemented!
I got the free report and it was great info. However, I thought that it is a little annoying that after a 50 page report of which I read the whole thing there is no specifics provided or pricing at all.
Also, testimonials are not very credible when the exact same one appears twice and the only thing that has been changed is the business name and the person’s name who supposedly wrote it.
“I buy the house.
You make the payments.
No bank or credit qualifying.
No dn. Pay only 5% closing costs + 1st month’s rent.
Ownership benefits included.”