Pinterest is a newly rising social media site that focus in sharing images and pictures through the network by pinning such interesting images. This can be used in real estate for posting and pinning as well as sharing houses for sale in certain locations and areas - in which you can target people looking for images of houses that are for sale or probably can be a place for listings.
Pinterest is a great site to generate hot leads. I have been averaging about 15-20 leads a day.
Yes, I’m hearing a lot about this site. For me, it’s like instagram with comments and all that stuff.
PInterest is really a nice thing and media…I recently registered on it…I found its concept nice and cool…It is best for youngsters…One can share pictures and other media here and others can like and dislike it…
Did you got an invitation from someone enabling you to join Pinterest?
What kind of leads and how do you use pinterest to find them?
what types of leads? buyers or sellers?
It could be both. Especially when you list down your product effectively in a way that people would easily understand and know what your product is.
I had never considered Pinterest a site for business, but with simple images there is a lot that can go on. Great use of advertisement and social sites good sir.
It actually depends on the nature on means to sell your product. If posting images would help, like for example you sell bags or shoes, then it might help you so.
But if you are selling a service for education or something that is not materialistic or do not fit into such way of marketing then don’t use it.
Clarify a bit. Your URL leads to training so people can get a license.
What are you sharing on the Pinterest? What sort of images and what messages do you think you are publishing?
When you say you get buyers and seller leads, tell us more about the quality of the leads and how many pan out. Quality vs. quantity?
The Pinterest marketing is new sort of marketing that is suitable for making relationship marketing strategies. It is used for driving traffic and is working as powerhouse to attract the traffic. The purpose of this marketing is to build customer relationship marketing.
If you don’t mind giving away your secret would be interested to know how you are using pinterest to generate leads.
I would agree that Pinterest is very useful for increasing traffic.
what kind of leads can you generate off of pinterest?
I need motivated seller leads.
Yes Leonard i agree it directs traffic to your website and it has no geographical limit;
Hi Leonard; How do you ensure that you are following the right people and the right categories? How many people are you following now? please advice on this? Thank you so much.
I’d like to know how this can increase traffic too?
What is the URL of your Pinterest board. The demographic of pinterest users are young girls to young women…
Would like to see what you are doing to get so many geo - targeted leads per day…
Pinterest has been picking up steam in recent months. Does anyone know how effective it is for commercial real estate companies? It seems like a great way to post multimedia content that links to your page.