I’m a newby here, but have been reading these forums for a while. Here is my situation that may help readers to better understand my question.
I’m 25 years old and my finances are as follows:
9-5 job: $2,200/month after tax income
Side business (stock options trading) : $4,000/month after tax income
1 rental property: $1,000/month pre-tax income
Expenses are as follows:
Mortgage plus insurance and tax on rental: $750/month ($90K principal balance)
Mortgage plus insurance and tax on primary residence: $1,100/month ($140K principal balance)
I have been stocking away all my savings for about a year now and have accumulated $25K in cash. My dilema is I am torn about whether to throw that money down on principal and pay the debt off as soon as possible, or leverage the $25K and generate some additional monthly cashflow?
This seems to be the biggest question I have from my short experiences in RE investing…do I keep taking on projects and be short in liquidity and equity or use the extra CF from existing projects and income to paydown debt and take on another project once the debt is significantly paid down? Hopefully I am articulating this clearly enough. Any and all input would be appreciated!