Does having a good PayDex help much with REI? If so what would you recommend doing to increase it or even start it? I have seen a few sites promising a quick increase, but I am not sure about it. :help
Do some business and pay your bills.
PayDex scores are from Dunn and Bradstreet. You need to register your company with them. From there get some small lines that will report.
Problem is, more and more banks are using Experian Business Credit now over D&B b/c you can manipulate D&B very easily online. They really do not check out much that you report for a company profile. It is a good thing to have though but more and more business credit is still PG credit anyways.
Last year Dell would use D&B for credit , I got 75K line but then about 5 months ago I started new corp and declined b/c no longer using D&B for credit decisions. Also my Dell line is NPG