There is a product called E-B (Emulsa bond) that you can add to paint that will make it stick to chalky surfaces etc. No need to prime!
Great stuff. You can get it at Home Depot etc. or any paint store.
Use my flashing tricks to repair any uneven corners or holes etc.
If you use an airless sprayer, don’t forget to spray all the windows with Aqua-net hairspray first. Use your 12 inch putty knife as a sheild. It saves time and money on both tape and paper. You’ll want to wash the windows when your done anyway. There’s no trash when your done and one can will do the whole house.
Yep, the paint and hairspray will wash right off. You can use window cleaner or just plain soap and water. Its even faster if you wet the windows and then use one of your 4" knives like a squeegy. Saves tons of time on taping and paper.
On a related note, I’ve seen some negative results painting vinyl siding. I bought a house where a would-be rehabber painted the vinyl siding a brown color. Apparently the dark colors absorb the heat well, because my vinyl siding has warped and buckled a bit.
Painting aluminum siding any color is probably fine, but I would avoid any color but white on vinyl siding.
Another tip not related to siding is fabric softner to remove wallpaper. Soak the wallpaper with fabric softner and it comes off like butter. If you ever scraped wallpaper bit by bit you’ll appreciate this tip.
Make sure to get that chalkey stuff off if it’s older siding first before you paint. My pet peave is painting over the sofits and they no longer vent. Kinda unavoidable but some homeowners inspectors catch it.