First, let me state that I am not here to debate the pros & cons of the program I am going to reference below. I am simply venting/commenting on the laziness of our country, as a whole.
Everyone wants everything but no one is inclined to actually do what is required to get all they want. For example, I learned about the Money Merge from United First Financial 2 years ago. For those that do not know, it is a debt/mortgage elimination tool. It is a very creative tool but extremely costly ($3500 last I saw). I did NOT purchase the Money Merge software. However, I implemented my own system based on what I knew. I have since created charts and spreadsheets in Excel and have actually made a fully functional spreadsheet that will perform as efficiently as the Money Merge.
All someone needs to do is take an hour or so to actually determine his monthly expenses and income then input those results into my spreadsheet (which by the way is no simple spreadsheet) and all the payment schedules and payoff dates are automatically calculated. Those calculations and schedules are constantly updated as entries are input to account for actual credits & debits.
So, all the hard work has been done by me. All anyone needs to do is use it. When I mention to people that I have a tool that can help them pay off their mortgage (or other bills) in record time and guide them to financial independence they are all excited and can’t wait to learn more. I have given the program free to at least a dozen people. Only one person has played with it. Everyone else has been too busy to sit down & figure out their numbers. Really? When I found out I could have my house paid off in 7 years & save $100,000’s in interest I was crunching all kinds of numbers.
I have been slowly marketing it for the past few months via email to about 100 acquaintances. I am not expecting to sell it for thousands as the Money Merge. I realize that this system is not right for everyone, but at this point I’d settle for someone just thanking me for helping them get on track towards financial freedom. However, the responses I get are “please don’t email me anymore about this”, or “we have our own plan to pay off our mortgage”. If that’s true, that is honestly terrific! But I find it hard to believe, in these times of record foreclosures and financial hardships, that all of a sudden everyone I talk to is a financial guru.
Furthermore, I hear coworkers, whom I have sent loads of information about my program, talking about what a relief it will be when their cars are paid off in X years. One guy snidely commented he was working on paying off his mortgage quickly, and then glanced at me. I confronted him later & told him I don’t have ANY credit card debt, 2 paid off cars (2003 & 2008 models), and my mortgage will be paid off in 5 years. His response was that he wasn’t so lucky because his wife was recently laid off. I reminded him that my wife has been a stay at home mom for the past 5 years. I’m also pretty sure his position pays higher than mine. I have substantial cash reserves in the bank, a healthy 401K, and personal investments that are doing well (also added Ford to the mix – thanks FDJake!).
If I can do this, others can too. But everyone seems to want everything done for them. When they find out I won’t actually be paying their mortgage for them they seem turned off.
Thanks for letting me rant.