I wonder how hes enjoying his 72 virgins right now? :rolleyes :flush
I was wondering how the 72 virgins were enjoying him? Nobody thinks about if these virgins want to get “spoiled” by his nasty a$$.
I heard Justin Bieber was one of them…
72 virgins right now
“Allied forces have hit all the Taliban military installations and bases. To give you an idea how successful these strikes have been: the Taliban has been telling young men that when they get to heaven, there may not be enough virgins to go around. They were promised 72. Now they are down to 45, but were told, 'Your virgins may vary.” —Jay Leno
From what I’ve read about that area of the world those scum bags prefer little boys over woman. :flush
Real WARRIORS huh? :shocked
Speaking of REAL WARRIORS…
How bad ass are the NAVY SEALS and other SPECIAL OPS troops protecting this Country… Those boys don’t screw around.
I can’t WAIT to read the book about this operation!!!
GREAT DAY FOR AMERICA…Lot’s of AMERICAN FLAGS flying out of cars around here today…REAL NICE to see that again!!! :beer :beer :beer :beer :beer
THANK YOU to all our troops past and present for all you do and have done!!! :beer
Alot of Muslims (3 from my school, foreign exchange) and their friends from home… some of their comments from facebook. Wow…
Ashaa Unique Shakur
i think it’s so sad that people are actually celebrating Osama’s death… get a life !!
2 hours ago via Mobile Web
Dita Carter- Omg embaressing to watch americans on the news, they look like a bunch of brainwashed rabbits… haha THANK God im not american !!
Ashaa Unique Shakur
don’t understand why everybody is happy that Osama is dead?!
6 hours ago via Mobile Web
Khadra Yasien - amen. Osama is a victim of American arrogance.
4 hours ago
Bardha Haxha Its funny, they only show some crappy photos from his death, we dont get to se the body and the dumped him at sea somwhere. Why doesnt any america raise an eyebrow? as for massmurders, millions have already died in iraq, afghaninstan, now u… even invade libya. Osama hasnt done shitt, they only use his name in order to invade countries so they can get oil - opium(drugS) and the weapon industry is makin alot of money!..dont be fooled by the media…See More
about an hour ago · LikeUnlike · 1 person
Dita Carter likes this.
Osama isnt responsiable for 911 thats all im saying. The rest of the world hates you stupid Americans, for reasons like this. Idiots.
I guess alot of the Muslim world is pro-Osama and anti- American… and these are EUROPEAN MUSLIMS! >.< . I pretty much set them straight though, and owned their butts on the conversation (check out the link if you got a facebook)
Tough to enjoy one virgin much less 72 when your member, and everything else, is being processed into crab poop. :shocked
It’s all bullsh*T…BUT it goes to show you that BLAMING OTHERS for your OWN problems is not something Americans corner the market on…These LOSERS blame AMERICA for their economic situations. They blame AMERICA for ALL their PROBLEMS.
The REALITY is this…
ANYONE…A N Y O N E…Who thinks KILLING another person is going to get them to PARADISE is out of their freakin’ minds.
John Lennon nailed it…IMAGINE…“Above us only sky…”
Maybe…Just maybe if the nit wits sucking AIR on this planet realized that THIS might be IT…They’d spend less time trying to KILL each other and more time….L I V I N G !!!
I had a friend of mine asked me why I spend money on Porsches…I looked at him and asked ONE QUESTION…
Me…“Bill…Do you believe in HEAVEN???”
Him…“Yea…I do.”
Me…“That’s good I do too… I don’t know what comes after our time on Earth but I’m willing to bet it doesn’t include Country Roads and Porsches…So while I’m HERE…I’ll enjoy BOTH because MAYBE this is our only shot at these experiences.”
Oh well…I guess all we can say now is…
(The REAL Deadliest Catch!)
Another thing, I gotta give Obama credit… his speech last night when Osama was killed was very good. (I caught like 3/4 of it). Wouldnt have changed a thing.
Osama: They told me 72 virgins! Not 72 Virginians!
Virginians: Hi, my name is George. Mine’s Thomas. And mine’s Benjamin. Kisses…
Having spoken to a few TRUE Muslims, and when I say TRUE[b][/b] I mean people that have practiced the Islamc faith their entire lives, and every single one of them has said this guy was doing nothing more than twisting the teachings from the Coran (spelled Qur’an, the Islamic Holy Book) to push his OWN personal agenda.
They told me there is nothing in the TRUE teachings that states killing innocent people is accepted and a great thing within the religion. This guy was nothing more than a piece of human waste pushing his personal cause and found dumb a$$es that would follow what they are told.
Despite contrary belief, many Muslims do not agree with what this piece of sh#t was pushing, in fact, many are pissed about the bad rap he’s given them.
Excellent post…
Something alot of idiots (Muslims that ive talked to from Europe), who defend Osama, dont understand that Osama has killed MANY innocent Muslim civilians also… not just Americans.
Either way you slice it, even if your ANTI AMERICAN, you cant justify anything Osama has done. Hes a POS and anybody who defends him is either unintelligent or a REALLY bad person.
Something alot of idiots (Muslims that ive talked to from Europe), who defend Osama, dont understand that Osama has killed MANY innocent Muslim civilians also... not just Americans.
Many of these guys are just ignorant and can’t think for them selves. They just let their ignorant hatred run their thinking.
What you want to do is ask them to point WHERE in the Coran does it state killing ANY innocent people is accepted and allowed? And if so, for what cause?
What many people, including Muslims, either don’t realize or are aren’t willing to admit, the Coran closely follows the teachings of the Bible. And the thing is, most of the writings within many of these Religious Holy books are open to interpretations, so it’s easy for a POS like Osama to put his own view on things and get dopes that can’t think and just follow HIS interpretations.
Disclaimer: I am not trying to insult anyone or their faith with the above post, my statements are based off of MY personal research and understandings. Your views or findings maybe different and are entitled to them.
I think it is the same mentality as someone in a gang in America. When there is extreme poverty, and nothing to do to get out of it, people turn to odd things for fulfilment. Having a purpose is very important to people, even if it is a horrible purpose.