Old shed, playhouse in backyard

Do you tear these things down usually? I was thinking a kid could get injured or trapped in them.

I’d clean up/paint the shed for storage and get rid of the playhouse.


I bought a house 3 years ago that had a really nice swing set and a storage shed in the backyard. I painted the shed for storage and tore down the swing set.

The backyard was huge. The lot was 12,000 sqft so it was not problem spacewise. If the lot was small and the shed made a problem I would probably still keep it and paint it

Thanks for the replies

A storage shed makes the place easier to rent. It might or might not bring more rent, but the tenants like to have a storage place, so it increases their interest in your unit.

What I would do with the old shed would depend upon it’s condition. Paint and new roofing, yes. Repair door, yes. Rotten foundation, maybe not, it depends upon what it would take to repair.

The playhouse? It depends upon how it is built, how much repair is needed, and how safe it is. A playhouse would be less liability than a swing set, as long s the kids can’t fall through the floor, or jump off the roof.