OK, I'm about to pull the trigger on my first SS contact with a distressed HO.

However, first i need to understand why the lender, in this case, hasn’t done anything legally aside from NOD and LP since 11/06. That’s 8 months. Any idea what’s might be transpiring?

Also, will the attorney representing the lender talk to me about anything, such as the status if the pending action, scheduled sale dates and such. Or is that something that cannot be disclosed even though this is public information. Or will the representing attorney see me as an investor and understand that I might stop his fees from being paid to him for foreclosing on the said property I’m inquiring about?

Really appreciate any insight on both of these questions.

Public information is public so you have access to whatever has been recorded, filed. The attorney will not discuss the case with you. Get a “third party authorization” form signed by the borrower so you can contact the loan servicer directly for information.

I understand I need the Auth. on file with the lender I was just curious and you answered one of my questions.

However, why has so much time elapsed since the LP? What goes on during this time since 11/06…possibly that the HO is getting caught up or something?

or the lender is juggling so many foreclosure files right now that it endd up being buried on some loss mit rep’s desk. In 'nother words, lost in the shuffle is likely the reasoning behind that long of lapse.