obama's approval drops to 29%

Today’s rasmussen pole shows those who strongly approve of the job obama is doing as president at new low of 29%.Is he trying to beat pelosi’s 13%??I think america has him pretty well figured out.Good luck with any re-elect,ever hear "fool me once"saying??

Those who STRONGLY DISAPPROVE of Obama has jumped to 39%…


The indepedants are moving AWAY from Obama… Looks like this wasn’t the “change” they could believe in…

Is there any body here that thinks Obama is going to be a 2 term president?

What I really hope doesnt happen is… People elect a typical progressivlite Republican. We need a true Constitutional/HONEST guy in office. I can deal with having different views as somebody, but when im lied to (like Obama is) it P*SSES ME OFF.

Clean house in 2010, get a true conservative in 2012!

No way this dictator gets re-elect(unless it’s rigged by acorn and they did move the census bureau into the whitehouse for a reason).I think we’re gonna have such a great lineup,the problem will be who to pick.But by then it’ll be soooooooooooooooooo obvious who not to pick.I say anyone but obama 2012 is got the majority even if that’s kermit the frog(get my “puppet” pun?)Atleast kermit has a hand controling him instead of a teleprompter.


“No way this dictator gets re-elect”

I’ll tell you what… I thought the same thing about Bill Clinton back in the 90’s… I remember watching a CSPAN show, and the question was asked about Bill Clinton’s, who had gotten HAMMERED on the mid-terms, re-election prospects and Alan Colmes (one of the few liberals I hold any regard for), to the backdrop of laughter said he thought it was entirely likely that Clinton held on…

We may be in for a repeat of history, wherein the Dem’s get hammered again in the mid-terms, but Obama somehow pulls it off, with the help of ACORN, the unions, etc…

It will all depend on who runs…

Ouch… it gets WORSE… Those who STRONGLY DISAPPROVE has jumped to 41%, the highest yet…

New Low for Obama Approval Index…



It appears in addition to losing Independants, he is also starting to lose some in his own party…

From the article…

[i][b]“These figures mark the lowest Approval Index rating yet recorded for this President. The previous low of -12 was reached on July 30”

“Some of the decline has come from within the President’s own party”[/b][/i]