Mike keeps saying there is no real secret of real estate. But there is, and I am going to reveal it (I should be charging you $20,000 for this):
There is always something to buy. (That’s the $20,000 secret that will help ypu be a sucess)
Don’t be afraid to walk away from a house that isn’t just what you want. There is always something to buy, and another one will come along pretty quick.
In this market, you should be able to get a good price on a cosmetic fixer. New paint, new carpet and back on the market, really quick.
Structural changes can be really expensive, especially on older houses where you don’t really know what you will find as you start tearing down walls.
Bad floor plans are a hard sell and very expensive, or even impossible to fix. There are enough houses on the market that you can find one with a decent floor plan. Pass on the ones with bad floor plans. It costs too much to move walls, re-wire, and move the plumbing.
You can do a lot to fix curb appeal with some clever landscaping and new paint, but if you need to add porches, or new driveways, or roof over-hangs, that can get into a lot of money that you won’t necessarily get back.
Leave the house that need structural changes to the experts. After you’ve done a couple of easier ones and seen how fast the costs can add up, and seen what you can do with just paint, then you are better qualified to assess whether it is worth the time and expense to be making serious changes in a house.
OK: one more secret: price isn’t everything. Just because a house is really really cheap does not guarantee that it is worth buying. You might be better off to spend more money and get a house in a better neighborhood that takkes less fixing up. Spend less fixing and a lot less on holding costs, and it will be a lot easier and quicker to sell.