Non Compliance of Lease Terms

There is constantly trash in the yard of one of my properties located near a bar. The trash is partly from the bar and partly from the tenants. Every few months the trash builds up and I get a notice from the code enforcement department of the city to clean up the trash.

I have spoken with the tenants several times about keeping the yard free of debris and it is stated in the lease. The tenants just don’t care. The only way I get results is if I post a 7 day notice of compliance with the lease or face eviction. I am tired of having to babysit these tenants, yet they always pay on time and have been in the property for over 2 years.

I was wondering if I could impose a fine on the tenants, say $20, if I see trash in the yard. What are your thoughts on this idea?

I understand exactly what you are feeling. I’ve got one property right now that has two large couches sitting in the front yard on their ends - they look like Stonehenge!!! However, I try to remember that I DON"T LIVE THERE! As long as the rent is paid every month, I don’t do anything about it. Am I going to evict a paying tenant because they’re slobs? No. So, I just wait for the nuisance office to send a threatening warning and then I threaten the tenant. At that point, they either clean it up or I evict them. They almost always clean it up.


In my lease I keep a term like “Tenants to follow all city regulations to keep up the property…” If I get notice from city it goes directly to my tentats with letter o non compliances… they address it right away as it is not a big deal… almost no time they move out because city sent notice to trim a tree, mowe loan, or pick up trash.

I make it look like city is bad guy here and they are making you do this to tenants… :slight_smile:


We do regular trash drive-bys of our properties and alleys. We get a lot of wind sometimes, so who knows whose trash it is? We’ll even clean stuff on the neighbor’s side of the fence if it is impacting our property.

TRASH BREEDS MORE TRASH! If you keep your properties clean the tenants will have more respect for the property too. Don’t drive by your trash, pick it up. Throw it in your car or in the dumpster. Carry a rake. Care about your property and your tenants might care more.

We also call the city to report those other landlords’ trash or junked cars in the alleys. Being a neighborhood trash vigilante can upgrade a whole little area.


I don’t know if I would try to fine an on time paying tenant :smile

I have a 3 family located right next door to a 24 hour Sam’s Mart
want to talk about trash > LOL

I have a tenant that has been in that building for a few years
with two kids
every year around christmas time I send them a check for 100.00
and a note> thanks for paying on time and keeping the trash picked up! Merry Christmas!

Now they pick up all the sticks as well as the trash and chase the litter bugs down the street > LOL

works for me!

That was a brilliant idea! Those kids get Christmas money and a lesson in being good citizens and you get a clean property.

You should get an award.


If you are absolutely certain that trash is coming from the bar, start filing complaints against the bar with the city and health department. A couple of complaints and the bar will start cleaning up.

However, I can’t imagine that you are getting too much trash from the bar, except maybe cigarette packages. Bar patrons are inside, so their trash is inside.

I’d be thinking that most of it was from the tenants. Give them a notice that their rent is being increased by $50 a month to pay for a clean-up man to go by and clean the trash out of their yard once a week.

They will scream. Tell them that if they don’t want to pay the extra $50, they’d better start picking up their garbage themselves.